
Our view: Let's vote

Diana Riyadh, shown at right voting in Baghdad earlier this year, would probably love to have her city and country vote as we in Anchorage and the rest of the United States do. Routinely, with passion and prejudice expressed at the ballot box, not in the sectarian violence that has claimed the lives of her uncles. We're much more fortunate here. But that good fortune needs periodic exercise, and for Anchorage voters, today is the day.

If you haven't taken advantage of early voting, you have plenty of time today. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you think you're too busy, think about Diana Riyadh, the price Iraqis have paid to vote -- and the price American troops have paid for that right.

We have a job to do today in this representative democracy. Let's show up for work.

BOTTOM LINE: Voter information is available at www.muni.org and at 343-4311.