Alaska News

Quotes from Parnell

"Our two priorities: The economy and our families. … In our rural communities, where the subsistence and cash economy intersect, Alaskans struggle to pay for gas just get to their fish camps. … and there the experience thin runs, leaving people concerned about food for the winter. And good paying jobs in rural Alaska? There are too few, too seasonal and too few permanent."


"In our urban communities, businesses are stretched. … We will position Alaska for investment and for growth. … State government is going to do this by maintianing a stable tax regime. And we should not be nickle and diming Alaskans for a few more cents at the pump by increasing fuel taxes."

"Here's my vision for our families. I want Alaska to be a place where every child has a safe home or a safe home to go to. I want Alaska to be a place where every child has the right to earn his or her way to college or job training so our graduation rates improve. … And I will assure that Alaska continues to help the neediest among us … from public and private resources."