Alaska News

Gay laws just widen community divide

The Anchorage Assembly this week moved to impose its own value system on others by passing the gay ordinance. Personally, I would have no problem hiring or renting to someone who wants to have sex with his or her own gender. But if my value system prohibited me from doing so, I would be out of luck. Because of the gay ordinance I would lose my freedom to practice my own value system and would instead be forced to employ values dictated to me by seven Anchorage Assembly members.

There are times when government should override our value systems. If our value system allows us to physically harm others, then the government should step in and lock us up.

You say rejecting someone for a job based on the desire to have sex with his or her own gender harms the practicing homosexual. It is true they will have to look for work elsewhere. But do we really want government dictating to employers what behavior they can accept or reject in their potential employees?

What if a prospective employee uses foul language and the seven Anchorage Assembly members hear emotional testimony from habitual swearers complaining about feeling like second-class citizens just because they choose to curse? Should the Assembly pass a law to create a special class of citizens that curse? Those landlords and business owners whose values tell them cursing is wrong will have to hire the foul-mouthed job applicants anyway. Their value system would be replaced by one dictated by the Assembly.

What about gum chewers? Or those folks who say "You bethcha" all the time?

As far as I am concerned, I would never hire anyone who answers the phone, "Yello!" What if the Assembly took special pity on the "Yello" answerers of the world and created special rights for them? I'd be screwed.

I know the gay rights issue is a serious one and is important for many.


Believe me, I feel for those in our community who choose to practice homosexuality. I am sure you suffer more than average heartache, rejection and discrimination based on your lifestyle choice. I know many in the practicing gay community are looking for validation. You don't want to be looked down upon for your choices. It's a natural desire, wanting to be liked, accepted and treated as normal.

But here's the hard truth about choosing to have sex with your own gender. Some will always look down upon you. Even some of those who pretend to accept you probably have a hard time understanding the choice you've made.

Now, here's the really bad news. There's nothing government can do to help you. It can pass laws but this will only increase the divide between the gay and heterosexual communities.

I have long believed race relations would have been far more advanced in this country if it had not been for the left pushing racially divisive policies like affirmative action.

For my friends in the gay community, I would suggest you give up on your quest to have government impose your values on others. There will be some who accept you and others who won't. You are going to have to do what billions and billions of others have done through the passing of time when looked down upon. Deal with it. Move on. Live your life for yourself, not for what others think. Live your life as you see fit with boldness, confidence and resolve. One Assembly member characterized her vote for the gay ordinance as protecting the vulnerable. Why does the gay community need protecting and why are they vulnerable? Are they victims? Of course not. Those in the gay community don't need the "protection of government" to live full, productive lives.

Start living those lives and stop allowing pandering politicians to use you as proof they are hip and compassionate. You don't need government's help. You don't need government to change the definition of marriage to be happy. Love who you want, marry whom you want, live how you want, be yourself. It's true for heterosexuals as well with homosexuals: Worrying about what others think never leads to happiness.

Dan Fagan hosts a talk show on AM750, KFQD. You can reach him at