Letters to the Editor

Letter: Road changes area forever

An EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) is the result of hundreds of hours of input from scientists, community groups, and individuals, taking all points of view into consideration. It is a well thought out statement of the best of many alternatives for the land it considers. The Izembek No Action alternative concurs with the same decision that Congress made for the road back in 1988; the decision of Congress is still valid.

Wildlife and environmental issues notwithstanding, it is unlikely the road will resolve the health and welfare issues. Keeping the road open in winter weather conditions would be enormously difficult, and understandably more expensive than the already rejected hovercraft.

A road through this area would forever change the geography and ecology of this unique place. We can always find good reasons to encroach on refuges. What we can't find is a way to get them back once we've compromised them.

— Tom Collopy and Mary Frische
