
Q&As with Assembly and School Board candidates

We asked candidates for Anchorage Assembly and School Board a series of issue and autobiographical questions that we published in the days leading to the April 2 city election. Click on the links below to see the questions and the answers.

Assembly candidate Q&A | School Board candidate Q&A

Assembly candidate Q&A

Anchorage Assembly: Meet the candidates

Bios of the candidates running for Anchorage Assembly in Tuesday's election.

In one sentence, why are you running?

What's the biggest problem facing Anchorage?


Grade the current Assembly

Do you agree with the direction the mayor has been taking the city?

What 3 things would you change about city government?

Do you agree with the mayor's labor ordinance?

Are city workers overpaid, underpaid or paid about right?

What is your view on the Title 21 zoning law rewrite?

Do you support the current proposal for a Knik Arm bridge?

What could the city do to spur desirable economic development?

Has the city struck the right balance between services and revenue?

Should the city have any role in increasing the amount of lower-cost housing in Anchorage? If yes, what would you suggest the city do that it's not already doing?

What grade from A to F would you give the performance of Mayor Sullivan? Why?

Name one city other than Anchorage you think is a desirable model for development here

How would you rate the quality of public transportation in Anchorage?

Should city law prohibit discrimination in housing or employment against gay or lesbian residents?

What one thing do you like best about Anchorage?

Assembly candidate Q&A | School Board candidate Q&A | Top

School Board candidate Q&A


Anchorage School Board: Meet the candidates

Candidate bios for the Anchorage School Board in Tuesday's election.

In one sentence, why are you running?

What's your best idea for improving academic performance in the ASD?

What grade would you assign to Anchorage's quality of education?

Would you favor a 12-month school year instead of a nine-month one? Why or why not?

Should alternatives to the theory of evolution, sometimes called creationism or intelligent design, be taught in science classes?

Do you favor a proposed constitutional amendment allowing the state to direct public dollars for private schooling, including religious schools?


Do you feel teachers are over-compensated, under-compensated or compensated about right?

What 3 things would you change about the School District?

How would you fill the revenue gap?

Assembly candidate Q&A | School Board candidate Q&A | Top
