
Alaska Ear: A question (7/7/2013)

THE FINE PRINT ... Ear's invitation to the fundraiser Alaska Republicans threw for U.S. House Speaker John Boehner Tuesday contained the following warning:

"The maximum contribution allowed by individuals is $52,600."

Whew! Thanks for the heads-up. Ear would hate to write a check too large.

Less clear was whether the $2,500 cost of getting one's picture taken with John was included in the $52,600 or in addition to it.

When last seen, Boehner was headed to Naknek for some fishing. Think someone out there might mention the Pebble mine to him? His pal Don Young said Boehner caught two king salmon in Naknek. Earwigs claim to have seen him dining Friday night at Sacks while the street outside was lousy with security.

REDOUX AGAIN ... It will be a working weekend for the Alaska Redistricting Board after a judge's order Friday that they come up with a new schedule by Wednesday. The board will apparently have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the finish line.

YOUNG AT HEART ... Darling Don made a deposit in his Wit and Wisdom collection during a KSKA radio interview last week. Granted, it's not a stunner like "Pribilof's dogs" or one of his other classics, but it's been a while since he added to the collection, so Ear is grateful.


According to Don, people who receive a benefit from the government are getting "a stripend."

Also, he warned that the NSA can figure out your religion from that sneaky data collection.

THE OLD GANG ... Former Gov. Bill Sheffield routinely lends his Turnagain home for political events, but the party on June 29 was all about him. A big crowd showed up to wish Bill a happy 85th birthday. Among the notables: John Shively, Dan Hickey and Laurie Herman, John Rubini, Mike Szymanski, Steve and Dana McAlpine, Ashley Reed, Tom Fink, John and Margaret Pugh, Gov. Sean and Sandy Parnell, Lesil McGuire, Lindsey Holmes, Jake Lestankof and Sherry Valentine, Al and Ann Parrish and lots more.

ON THE MOVE ... Ear hears former Love Connection Rep. Kyle Johansen, who lost his most recent election, has been hired as general manager of the two Ketchikan radio stations owned by Juneau-based Alaska Broadcast Communications.

NO COMMENT ... A week or so after winning the Golden Fleece Award from Taxpayers for Common Sense, the Knik Arm Bridge and Toll Authority (KABATA) won a "Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting" from GFOA, an organization of finance officials who work for government agencies in the U.S. and Canada.

OUT AND ABOUT ... An audience loaded with political stars showed up for the grand opening Wednesday of the new museum, preschool and synagogue built in Midtown by the Orthodox Jewish congregation. Among the familiar names: Knowles, Young, Begich, Treadwell and Sullivan. Earwigs also spotted artists Alvin Amason and Julie Decker, furrier and California restaurateur Perry Green, KNBA exec Carol Schatz and lots of others.

IT'S COMING ... Former ADN writer Tom Kizzia's book on Papa Pilgrim and the peculiar Pilgrim family homestead is due out later this month. It's called "Pilgrim's Wilderness."

Tom will talk and sign books at the Anchorage Museum at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 23.

THEY'RE HERE ... Ear loves tourists, especially when they spend money and go home. Also, they say cute things. Here's a selection from Jeff Brady's column in the Skagway News, "Heard on the Wind":

"I want to go swimming with the orcas ... you know, like the dolphins in Florida. How come they don't have that here?"

"An older tourist walks into Fairway Market and says to the senior checker, 'Do you people have deodorant?'

"Checker: 'Ball type?'

"Man (blushing), 'Oh my, no, it's for my underarms.' "

Yes, d'Ears, Ear has accused Jeff of making some of these up but he denies it.

Compiled by Sheila Toomey. Find Ear online at www.adn.com/ear. Message Sheila at ear@adn.com



Sheila Toomey

Sheila Toomey was a longtime reporter for the Anchorage Daily News.