Letters to the Editor

Letter: Parnell has us on the right track

Add my name to the majority of Alaskans who solidly support Gov. Sean Parnell and the job he is doing for all of Alaska.

A state that depends so heavily on oil royalties is fortunate to have someone in the governor's office who looks to the future and wisely manages the risks we face with declining oil.

Some tough calls had to be made on taxation and incentives, but Parnell has the courage and integrity to make those calls to bring investment back to the state.

I also appreciate his commitment to a five-year plan to keep the state budget in check, while working to get more oil flowing off the North Slope legacy fields, as well as from new fields.

Opportunity is growing in Alaska. Economists often cite 5.5 percent unemployment as representative of full employment in the United States. With Alaska's unemployment just 1 percent higher than that (as of May), it's obvious to many Alaskans that this state is on the right track and has solid leadership with Gov. Parnell.

— Catkin Kilcher Burton,

colonel, USMC retired,



Anchorage Daily News