Letters to the Editor

Letter: A look at Christianity's deeds

In a letter by Joesph Fleming (Sept. 22), he wonders why so many people attack Christianity when the religion does so many good things. He lists: 1. Elimination of slavery (Lincoln?) 2. Decreasing child abuse 3. Feeding the hungry 4. Shelter for the homeless 5. Caring for the sick.

First, I don't hear or read of any criticism of the churches for their good deeds; rather they are criticized for tolerating sexual abuse by their members, the folly of the Inquisition and attempting to get their doctrines and dogma made into law.

Secondly, the listing above of these particular good deeds seems to be the accomplishments of the Democratic Party, at least in this country, except for Lincoln's freeing of the slaves (bless its heart). Christianity is rightly criticized for it's nefarious behaviors, which, over 2,000 years, have been considerable.

Thus I contest that Christianity has brought nothing but good deeds into this world. But "bravo" for the ones it has done.

— Dick Palmatier
