Alaska News

Alaska Notebook: No to cellphone calls aloft

Cellphones aloft?


The Federal Communications Commission is considering allowing cellphone calls aboard passenger jets.

Sen. Mark Begich has written to the FCC urging them to reconsider. He imagines a plane full of cellphone chat and says that makes his head hurt.


Smartphones are marvels; the world at your fingertips. Why not at 30,000 feet?

Sounds fine to me, as long as there's no sound.


Text, tweet, surf and email to your heart's content on that long flight, but hold all calls. The green light for calls is an invitation to the forced overhearing of everything from work chatter to family disputes to erotic dreams, some of it in loud voices, some of it obscene, without the slightest regard to its effect on fellow passengers.

Talk about cabin pressure.

Yes, we could take shelter under head phones. But we shouldn't need to.

Airlines banned smoking what -- more than 20 years ago? Let's keep the air clear.

-- Frank Gerjevic
