Letters to the Editor

Letter: Knik bridge project should be shut down

It is not often that I agree with the ADN's "Our View" but I wholeheartedly agree with the statements expressed Sunday (Editorial, Jan. 4).

Further, in Monday's Compass, Mike Mense gives good, solid reasons for shutting down KABATA immediately. This organization has wasted enough of our money and needs to go. The only people profiting from this gravy train are the staff, those who see years of lucrative state money going into their pockets, and land speculators on the other side Knik Arm.

That this is a pet project of Senate President Charlie Huggins is no reason for the Legislature to ignore the facts that this project makes poor business sense for Alaska. Further, the fact that our governor wants to make this fully funded by the public purse shows that he has no understanding of the costs and potential (expected) cost overruns of such a large project. I'm sorry, but I don't want to still be paying for this bridge through property taxes in 25 years. Shut KABATA down now before it's too late.

— Dave Catchpole
