Letters to the Editor

Letter: Decline in education funding is too steep; raise BSA to $400

As a recently retired teacher, I am saddened by the decline in education funding.

My children received an excellent public school education. They attended school when there were reasonable class sizes, true middle schools, and counselors to guide them through the college application and scholarship process.

The cuts have gone too far. I know new teachers with fresh energy and bright ideas who no longer have a job. I know experienced teachers who love where they teach and are displaced. I know teachers discouraged about a future with less support and a larger workload.

What is especially discouraging is the loss of our hard working counselors. I have seen them turn many a student around and provide the necessary help for families in times of sorrow and tragedy. Counselors are critical in making the connection between school, students and families.

This situation can be changed if the legislature takes the right action by raising the BSA to $400 and making it inflation proof.

— Jane Yokoyama
