Letters to the Editor

Letter: Festival deserved more attention

Shame on you ADN!!! All weekend long you ignored a festival aimed to help people and feed people to promote the gay events and a mud run. Yet, not once did you mention an event that drew the governor, a former Lt. governor and the mayor of Anchorage. The Luis Palau Love Alaska festival went off with thousands in attendance, and did you utter one word or promote it in any way? Of course not. Why wouldn't you cover a festival that expressed love and made people feel good, was free and helped generate a lot of food for the Food Bank?

But just think of this: If that festival changed just one person's life, gave one person hope instead of despair, helped someone realize they weren't as bad as they thought and there was someone who loved them no matter what, wouldn't that be worth at least three lines of print to mention? You guys promote Gold Nugget, Relay for Life and the Women's Run, and you can't mention this?

— Gary Ray
