Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Dec. 22, 2014

Roundabouts a sociological test

One of the aspects about roundabouts that is seldom, if ever, mentioned is that they are, in fact, experimental devices for the study of human behavior. What they test is how quickly humans can learn a new skill and how adaptable they are when a new object is placed in their cage. The unvarnished results of these experiments are self-reported and provided in the letters section of this newspaper. As one expects some humans appear to be adaptable quick learners and others do not.

For humans in the quick learning category an advanced test will be found by driving a car in urban England where they drive on the other side of the road and the roundabouts flow in the opposite direction. The first hour of this experiment can only properly be called mind blowing but then one adapts and carries on.

-- Dirk Greeley


Science needs balanced reporting

The article on the proposed Susitna dam Friday began, "The project manager … said it could improve salmon-spawning habitat on the Susitna River, a statement that drew sharp criticism from opponents."

Only at the end of the long article did I find the "opponent's" statement about the dam -- and she is a qualified fisheries biologist, not just another loudmouth. Sarah O'Neal has bachelor's and master's degrees in ecology and 15 years' experience with fisheries. What are the project manager's qualifications to make his statement?

Your paper would do a real public service if you published expert statements at least as prominently as the fantasies of industry boosters. If you don't know people's credentials, check them on the Internet, as I just did.


Many important debates are confusing to the public, from medicine to global warming because people can't distinguish expert analysis from offhand opinions. The media are partly to blame because they present all sides as equally well-informed. Or worse, they bury expert advice at the ends of articles. Please balance your reporting of issues that include science.

-- Vivian Mendenhall


All who torture are barbarians

Torture: We do it because it makes us feel good and to show that we're not sissies. When our enemies do it, it's because they're barbarians. When we do it, it's also because they're barbarians.

-- Rick Wicks


Estimate warrants compensation

Having had my vehicle involved in an accident at Providence hospital, I think our lawmakers need to address an issue. I think compensation for having to get an estimate is warranted at a rate of $25 per hour. Per estimate.

What is involved in getting an estimate is quite time consuming and interferes with the harmony and tranquility with which you would otherwise be spending your time.

-- Phillip Labay Mikes


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.