
Minnery wrong to attack Judge Christen

In the past, I have supported the work of Jim Minnery, president of the Alaska Family Council. But Mr. Minnery crossed the line with his recent hit-piece, an email sent to thousands of Alaskans criticizing our new Supreme Court justice -- Superior Court Judge Morgan Christen, one of two finalists whose names had been submitted to Gov. Sarah Palin.

The governor appointed Judge Christen to the Alaska Supreme Court on Wednesday. Judge Christen is the second woman in state history to serve on the high court.

I have known Judge Christen for almost 20 years. As a mother and wife, she is an Alaskan who knows the value of life. But Mr. Minnery obviously does not know Judge Christen personally or professionally. He disgracefully attacked Christen, calling her "another activist on the Court." No Alaskan is more dedicated to family, children and Alaska's most foundational values in the U.S. and Alaskan Constitutions than Judge Christen.

Mr. Minnery's attack on Judge Christen is a disgrace to all Alaskans. I am not a liberal member of the Alaska Bar Association. I am a pro-life Christian conservative who supports Judge Christen. I wrote Mr. Minnery, expressing my disgust for his unconscionable attacks. Here is my letter:

Dear Jim Minnery:

Jim, I am sure I hold some of the same values you do.

I have supported you in the past.


I am  a lifelong "pro-life" Christian.

I am "not a liberal lawyer" ... I am more conservative than 99% of Alaska's Justices, judges and attorneys.

And, probably, I am more conservative than you are.

I can assure you I know Judge Morgan Christen and her intelligence, values and integrity; she is truly exceptional.

You have done a grave disservice to the citizens of Alaska in attacking Judge Morgan Christen.

There is "no one" more fit to be on Alaska's Supreme Court than Judge Morgan Christen.

Judge Morgan Christen's personal and professional life experiences make her "uniquely" qualified for our Supreme Court.

Your "press hit piece" attack on Judge Morgan Christen is "childlike."

... and you certainly do not know "lawyers" as you should to be in a position of "family" leadership.

Sir, you do not have a clue on the "integrity, honor, commitment to life and beliefs" of Judge Morgan Christen.

You are in no position to define the fundamental beliefs of this wonderful dedicated mother, wife and exceptional public servant.

If you question my position call me at my office or at home.

You need to understand the gravity of your incompetence as it is directly related to "your purported" Christian family leadership.

I encourage you to "seek the truth" before you ever again attack Judge Morgan Christian.

You are totally unfit to even attempt to define the integrity and values of Judge Morgan Christen.

Again, I am easy to find ... you want to debate me ... name the forum ... Â let's address your "total lack of understanding"!!

I know Judge Morgan Christen will "forgive you" ... but it will take me a little time since I demand "trust" before forgiveness!!


Your trust must be "earned" to receive "my" forgiveness since you apparently have no concept of Biblical truth!

I suggest to apologize to all Alaskans and particularly Judge Morgan Christen for your demonstrated incompetent leadership.

I look forward to your immediate public apology to Judge Morgan Christen and all Alaskans.


Wev Shea