Alaska News

Man finds out he's a woman during hospital visit for kidney stone

Colorado photographer Steve Crecelius was admitted to the hospital five years ago for a kidney stone and received surprising news from the nurse, who told him he was actually a woman.

Crecelius, who now goes by Stevie, found out she was born intersex, with both male and female sex organs, according to Fox News. A trip to the emergency room for the kidney stone was what revealed what Crecelius had questioned her whole life.

"The nurse [in the ER] is reading the ultrasound and says, 'Huh, this says you're a female,'" Crecelius said to Fox.

According to ABC News, Crecelius said she felt a little different all her life.

"When I was about six years old, I started having these feminine feelings, but that was in the '60s. Wearing my mom's makeup, I thought I looked pretty," Crecelius told ABC.

The Denver Post reported that Crecelius's wife, Debbie, and their six children have accepted her new identity.

"We told them individually. Some were in person and some weren't," Crecelius said to ABC, referring to how she told her children about her transition to becoming a woman. "Every one of them said, 'We don't care one way or the other. We love you for who you are and you're still my dad.'"


Even though it wasn't always easy, Debbie has stayed with Crecelius since receiving the news five years ago.

"I didn't sign on for this, but who signs on for anything?" she said to Fox. "She's the same person she was as a he on the inside."