Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Aug. 8, 2016

Colver doesn't toe party line

I see Tuckerman Babcock (Aug. 4, ADN) has crawled out of his bunker to deliver a screed against Rep. Jim Colver. How dare Colver actually try to represent the people of Alaska in his district. Doesn't he know Republicans stick together and only represent the party line? The only thing the "Repugs" know is staying in power and sticking it to anyone who gets out of line. You can see it in their support of Donald Trump, their standard-bearer.

— Jay Cross
Big Lake

Parallels to Trump surprising

When I first read Tuckerman Babcock's essay describing a Republican legislator's misplaced allegiances, past donations to high-profile Democrats, and a general disloyalty to conservative principles, I was certain he was talking about Donald Trump. The parallels were hand in glove.

— Bob Lacher

Salmon can not worthy news


I'm as interested as the next person in history (probably more so), but I am scratching my head over the inclusion today of an article about the history of a single salmon can. I was waiting for some murder mystery, or at least a botulism outbreak.

On the other hand, a radio story earlier this week featured an interview with an academic who wrote his dissertation on the marketing history of cargo shorts(!), so maybe I am too much of a generalist. Today's article was refreshing in one sense: it did not mention Donald Trump.

— Doug Miller

Traffic should flow on Seward

I have traveled the Seward Highway countless times this summer at all hours in a commercial truck. Am I the only one who has witnessed state troopers allowing drivers to impede numerous vehicles without taking any action? We all know there are signs that state it is illegal for a vehicle to hold up five or more others. I've seen troopers on their computers not observing traffic. I realize many travelers come here for the splendor of our great state, but a lot of us are on the job and have time-sensitive schedules. I believe slower is not always better, if it causes some drivers to take risky chances to make their time schedules. Drivers should at least move at the posted speed limit or close to it to maintain a smooth flow of traffic. Many times you will find vehicles proceeding at 38-40 mph in a 55-mph zone.

We understand our troopers have many hats to wear and by no means am I trying to disparage them. Please help us to smooth the flow and lessen fatalities on our most deadly highway.

— Bob Lopetrone

Summer stings still smart

Remember when a few decades ago, "WASP" stood for the derogatory white Anglo-Saxon Protestant? I wish it still did. Instead this summer hereabouts it means "Way Awful Species Penetration." They're paper wasps and Southcentral is teeming with them this season. Perhaps July being Anchorage's warmest month ever is behind the swarming.

Swollen, oozy, scabby, long-lasting sores. I'm not generally bee-allergic (thank goodness) but these guys are nasty! We all have to be especially careful. There is a commercial spray that can take out a nestful — if you can find the spray and then get at the clinging nests in the small under the eaves and deck spaces. Available in stores? All sold out for many weeks now. Ouch!

— Steve Williams

Clinton finally tells the truth

Hillary Clinton just made history. She just stated she will raise taxes on the middle class. I think it's the first time she has actually told the truth.

— Rolf L. Bilet

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.