Alaska News

Photos: Lunch at Natural Pantry

Let's take a moment to remember the old Natural Pantry: that pokey old building attached to the University Mall, with its harsh fluorescent lighting, chaotic shelves and bewildering labyrinth of naturopathic bottles and salves. And how it was just about impossible to walk through the door without dropping a small fortune. Two organic onions? That will be $30, please.

That Natural Pantry -- the building, at least -- is gone. Anchorage's only organic/natural foods grocery store has moved over several blocks to a different location and a shiny new complex that would be the envy of any Whole Foods. When you walk through the store, it seems like there is just more -- more aisles, more meat and cheese, more produce, more space, more everything.

That extends to lunch.

Read more: Lunch bar at Natural Pantry wins with sheer variety -- healthy and otherwise