The Anchorage Daily News asked candidates for School Board in the 2019 election to answer a series of issue questions. Many of the questions were based on suggestions from readers. Here are their responses, in some cases edited for length. Find all candidates’ responses here. We did the same thing with candidates for Anchorage Assembly.
Candidate name: Margo Bellamy
Age: 68
Occupation: Retired educator and human resources compliance
Current employer: University Of Alaska Anchorage, 2016-Present
Previous public offices held or sought / community leadership positions: No prior public office held. Member, Clare House Advisory Committee (2017- Present); Member, Kids’ Day Planning Committee, Anchorage, AK (2014-present); President, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Xi Psi Omega Chapter; Anchorage, AK (2014-Present); Board Member, YWCA Alaska, Anchorage, AK (2011-2016); Board Member, Anchorage’s Promise, Anchorage, AK (2008-2014); Member, Alaska Society for Human Resource Management, Anchorage, AK (2001-2016); Member, Anchorage Community Police Relations Task Force; Anchorage, AK (2007-2015); Member, American Association of School Personnel Administrators (2001-2016); President, Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals (1996-2001); Member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Anchorage, AK (1975-Present)
Education: University of Alaska Anchorage (1987-1989); Masters, Public-School Administration, State University of New York at Albany (1972-1973); Masters of Library & Information Science, State University of New York at Albany (1968-1972); Bachelor of Arts, University of Puerto Rico Mayaquez, Student Exchange Program (Spanish Language); *Alaska Pacific University & USC, Anchorage, AK, Doctoral Studies Candidate (1978-1980) *Program not completed
List the K-12 schools your children currently attend or have attended. Fairview Elementary, Hanshew Middle, Central Middle, Steller Secondary, Polaris K-12, East High, Scenic Park Elementary (grandson)
What steps have you taken to prepare for this job? What strengths do you bring to office, and what in your life demonstrates those strengths?
My career as an educator and my service work in the Anchorage community has prepared me to serve on the school board. This experience has given me the knowledge, leadership and experience to understand the issues faced by our students, staff and families. I will listen, ask tough questions and remain laser-focused on improving educational outcomes for all students. I am collaborative, energetic, an innovative thinker and have the ability to work with diverse individuals and groups.
Have you ever worked for the Anchorage School District? If so, in what capacity?
I’ve worked in the following capacities: Executive Director, Compliance/Equal Employment Opportunity; Principal, Assistant Principal at Hanshew and Central Middle Schools; Librarian/Teacher at Clark Middle School; Media Specialist at Career Center (now King Tech High); Sr. Clerk Typist, Library Resources.
What is the largest budget you’ve managed? State the amount, length of time and your level of responsibility.
As the principal of Wendler Middle School (1992-2001), I supervised and managed resources for an instructional staff of over 125 teachers and support staff. The operating budget, activity budget and grants for Wendler totaled just over $5 million.
Name two things the Anchorage School District does well and two things you think the school district needs to improve. As a school board member, what would you do about the two areas of improvement?
Does well: Focus on World Language and Language Immersion,Parent ChoiceNeed to Improve:Focus on Equity and the barriers to student; more student-centered approach to alternative program options.
If you had to identify $10 million in cuts to the Anchorage School District’s budget, name two areas you would look for cuts and two areas you would seek to protect.
I take the fiduciary responsibility of the board very seriously. I would keep any cuts to the district’s budget away from the classroom.
The Anchorage School Board decided last year to not change school start times after a lengthy study. Do you support this decision? Why or why not?
I do not support the board’s decision to not change school start times. The evidence, from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, supports that a later start benefits student learning, health and safety.
The Anchorage School Board approved a three-year contract with the local teachers union in December 2018. If you were a member of the school board at that time, would you have voted in favor of that contract? Why or why not?
I would have voted for the contract because the AEA members voted to accept it and I see this contract as a start for the district to attract and maintain highly qualified teachers.
How would you rate the Anchorage School District’s performance during or after the earthquake? What changes would you propose as a school board member?
The district’s overall response during the earthquake was commendable. Emergency response plans were followed, students and staff were safe and sound and communication updates were great. However, there were missteps in the district’s response to the unique Eagle River situation, such as the lack of communication with stakeholders at the receiving schools, the failure to timely restore the food program, the lack of transparency in communicating with impacted families regarding the FEMA process and regarding the district’s long-term plan to return students to Eagle River Elementary and Gruening Middle School.
Does Anchorage need better preschool options for children? What steps would you take to increase the availability of preschool education?
Yes. I would ask for specific funding from the Legislature.
Do you vaccinate your children, and how do you feel about vaccination requirements for children entering the school system?
Yes, I vaccinated my children. I support the vaccination requirement for children entering public schools. I also respect the rights of parents who choose not to vaccinate their children.
What will you do on the School Board to support students living in poverty, homeless students, and students in the foster care system?
These are among our most vulnerable population of students who have unique needs and require vital services. I will work to support these students by making sure we access federal funding to ensure that their needs are met. Additionally, having conversations with Senators Murkowski and Sullivan to ensure that they advocate for these needs at the federal level.
What sex education and support services do you believe school-age children should be getting at school?
Sex education and support services in public schools should be consistent with the Alaska School Health and Safety Standards. This includes learning opportunities for students to learn about good nutrition, be physically and mentally fit, know their bodies, make healthy choices and have healthy relationships.
Do you support consolidation of underutilized schools? Why or why not? If you do support consolidation, are there any schools you’d consider consolidating now?
I support utilizing our schools to reduce class size.
ASD’s graduation rates are among the lowest in the country. How can the school district take meaningful steps to boost this rate?
Not graduating is a symptom of a bigger issue. I would look at the root causes as to why students are not graduating. For example, are there meaningful connections to caring adults in schools? What does the students’ academic profile looks like? What are the opportunities that students have during the school day to accelerate or remediate? What does the data tell us about the students who are not graduating?
The biggest challenge facing the school district is (fill in the blank and explain):
Having conversations around equity, diversity and equality and how they manifest in governance and operations.
What are your thoughts on school vouchers or public support for private schools?
I do not support the use of public funds to support vouchers for private schools.
What are your ideas for ensuring students and staff feel safe in Anchorage schools?
Ensuring that staff and students are trained in emergency protocols, behavioral expectations and procedures. Ensuring that the school’s climate is welcoming supportive and value the contributions of all.
What steps should ASD take to improve its career and technical education curriculum?
Continue to support the rich curriculum at King Tech High School and continue to build strong industry partnerships to enhance the career options and post secondary choices for students. Highly qualified and trained teachers who are responsive to the academic, social and emotional needs of all students and who consistently listen to the hopes and dreams of parents.
What other important issue would you like to discuss here?
Did not answer.