
14 questions: Anchorage Assembly candidate Nicholas Danger

The Anchorage Daily News asked candidates for Anchorage Assembly in the 2020 election to answer a series of questions, many of which were based on suggestions from readers. Find all candidates and their answers here. (We also surveyed candidates for Anchorage School Board.)

Note: This survey was sent and candidates’ responses were collected in February, before the first confirmed case of the new coronavirus was reported in Alaska.

2020 Assembly candidate. District 3 Seat E. Nick Danger (Photo provided by Nick Danger)

Candidate: Nicholas Danger

Age: 67

Occupation: Local 302 operating engineer


Why are you running?


To give a conservative, Christian, working-man, commonsense option to the current group.

What is your overall vision for Anchorage?

Great place to live.

What specifically should the city do to offset the decline in revenue from the state? Are you in favor of new taxes or revenue? If so, what specifically?

Sales tax. I do not support the alcohol tax at all, it targets a small group and that is not fair, as far as I am concerned. It’s a Band-Aid for a problem the Assembly thinks will make the problem go away, and it won’t.

Bonds are how the city pays for things besides a property tax and they seem to do well. I personally vote against them all, but the voters support most of them and they are way cheaper than a property tax.

Investment incentives I have no problem with, as long as the burden is not put on the taxpayers. I do think the city needs to revise who is exempt from property taxes and do an audit. There is a lot of money out there to access.

Should the city cut its budget? If so, where specifically would you cut spending?

Yes, overtime for Municipality of Anchorage employees.

We have to lower the property tax. It’s way too high. We need to address this with options, but it still goes to say we need to reduce the city budget and manage it way better.

What specific steps should the city take to address homelessness? If your vision requires funding, where would the money come from?

Stronger panhandling laws, no funding.

The city is not addressing the homelessness problem right. We need to decide who really needs help and why, not just throw money at them. It’s a very complicated matter and needs to be addressed individually, not as a group thing.

I really don’t understand the affordable housing thing. I have been here for 45 years and have never had a problem finding a place to live.

What is the biggest issue facing Anchorage, and how would you address it?


What specific steps should the city take to address crime in Anchorage?


Stronger laws and more police.

2019 was the warmest year on record for Alaska. What should Anchorage do to address climate change?

Don’t believe in it.

How is the current Assembly doing? Are there any issues you would raise if elected?

Stronger panhandling laws.

Add another Assembly member to the north district. The current single member agrees with this and he is absolutely right.

I have the problem on the Public Safety Advisory Commission. We only have nine and we have a huge problem getting five to show up at a meeting for a quorum to vote.

Do you support the governor’s budget cuts?



The Port of Alaska needs at least hundreds of millions of dollars to modernize. How should port modernization be paid for?

The port is the lifeline for Alaska. Anyone that does not get that has a problem and we need to fix it. I’m not a financial expert, but since the port affects everyone, I guess a sales tax would probably be the best since you pay to buy and that product you bought came here through the port.

Describe an ordinance or legislative issue you plan to bring forward as an Assembly member, and any funding it might require.

Get rid of the plastic bag ban.

There is a movement in the Eagle River/Chugiak district to secede from the Municipality of Anchorage. Where do you stand on EagleExit?

If they want it, do it.

What other important issue would you like to discuss here?

Crime is out of control.

I do not agree on marijuana consumption on the premises at all. Take it home or wherever, we can’t drink at liquor stores, and no one is crying about that.