
Q&As with North Anchorage Assembly candidates

Downtown Anchorage and its surrounding neighborhoods, photographed on Saturday, May 14, 2022. (Emily Mesner / ADN)

The municipality is holding a special election for the newly expanded District 1, North Anchorage, for a second Anchorage Assembly member to represent the district.

Only voters living in North Anchorage can turn in ballots in the special election. Election day is June 21, and ballots are in the mail. Voters can choose from six candidates on the ballot.

This spring, the Assembly adopted a new political map, shifting the boundaries of Anchorage’s six districts and roughly doubling in size District 1 in order to add a 12th member. In 2020, voters passed a proposition giving the district a second elected seat.

The Anchorage Daily News sent the North Anchorage Assembly candidates a brief questionnaire. You can read each candidate’s response in the links below. Scroll further down for answers from individual candidates.


Why are you running?

What makes you qualified to represent District 1, North Anchorage on the Assembly?

What is the most important problem facing North Anchorage? How would you address it?


Name one thing the Anchorage Assembly and/or Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson accomplished in the last year that you support, and why.

What is your vision for what North Anchorage looks like in 10 years? What specific steps would you take on the Assembly to help achieve that vision?


Cliff Baker

Rob Forbes

Tasha Hotch

Robin Phillips

Stephanie Taylor

Daniel Volland