The Arctic Sounder
The Arctic Sounder

Kotzebue City Manager Tessa Baldwin steps down

Kotzebue City Manager Tessa Baldwin’s last official day on the job was Jan. 17. After two years in the role, 31-year-old Baldwin says she wants to focus on her family.

“I think in this job I was traveling probably upwards to 90 days a year and in the office 50 to 60 hours a week,” Baldwin said. “So that was not only hard on me, but it was hard on my parents and my family.”

Baldwin who previously worked as a therapist and as director of public safety for the Northwest Arctic Borough called her two years as city manager, “a little hectic.” While she was manager Kotzebue experienced three state-declared disasters, on top of numerous issues with aging infrastructure and drinking water. Also some of this helped bring her team of city employees together, Baldwin said working through emergency situations was also extremely challenging.

“There were some days where I honestly woke up and didn’t think that I would make it through that day,” Baldwin said. “Especially during the Swan Lake Loop freeze up, we had residents without running water for eight to nine weeks and that was hard to see our residents go through.”

Baldwin said she was proud of her role in helping to secure over $20 million in grants for the city, and other achievements like rebuilding the city’s human resources, public relations and planning departments.

“Behind the scenes, we have 100 other projects going on, including negotiating contracts going through all the capital projects,” she said.

Baldwin was born and raised in Kotzebue and said she was grateful for the opportunity to serve her home community. Although she is stepping down as city manager, Baldwin will continue working as an independent consultant. Kotzebue City Council approved an agreement in November to hire Baldwin and her company Sailaq, LLC at a rate of $175 dollars an hour.

Until the position is filled, Kotzebue Public Works Director Russ Ferguson will serve as the acting city manager.