Letters to the Editor

Letter: GOP legislators: the pod people?

Does anyone remember the old science fiction movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," in which aliens (the extraterrestrial kind) grow mindless human clones from pods? I think that's how the modern Republican Party gets its legislators.

Proof of this: our Legislature's consideration of HB 83, which requires the state's attorney general to report what he/she deems as unconstitutional federal actions to the Legislature's Judiciary Committees. In turn, these committees could create legislation nullifying federal laws.

Consideration of this bill is mindless. State nullification of federal laws didn't work in the 19th century and will certainly not work in the 21st. The Civil War was the last, most extreme gasp of nullification, and the Supreme Court of the United States has rightly declared nullification unconstitutional.

It's time for our Republican legislators to either go back to work on real issues, or go back to their pods.

— Gary C. Stein

Eagle River