Alaska News

Arachnophobia: Brown Recluse spiders infest man's apartment

Spider bite is a waking nightmare at Dylan Baumann's place.

Scores of venomous "brown recluse" spiders have infested his apartment in Omaha in Nebraska, despite six visits by the exterminator, according to reports.

Baumann plans to move out in September after having spotted 40 of the spiders, which despite not being aggressive can be harmful and, along with the black widow, are considered the most dangerous of the 200 species of spiders found in Nebraska.

A brown recluse spider bite leaves a painful wound, noted the Daily Mail.

"I saw them crawling across my walls, crawling along my floor boards and saw it crawling by my foot," he told KETV.

Baumann told that having been unable to kill his toxic roommates, he was trying to get to know them.

"When you live with something, you want to find out as much as you can about it," he said.


Having discovered that the brown recluse spiders are bad climbers, he has found sanctuary in his bed, elevated by metal posts.

He's also managed to avoid being bitten by setting glue traps and shaking out clothes and shoes.

However, "It's terrifying just thinking that might happen to me," he told KETV.

Douglas County Extension Office rep Dennis Ferraro told the ABC Omaha affiliate that the eight-legged creepy crawlies had multiplied because of the mild winter.

"We virtually did not have a cold winter this winter, and the hotter temperatures that we're having would probably allow for more reproduction," Ferraro said.