Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, March 1, 2018

Knee-jerk reactions shouldn't shape gun-law debate
I picked up the paper this morning like I have for 40 years. Under letters to the editor, four articles all against the NRA and promoting gun control. The police were called to that kid's house 39 times since 2010 and the FBI flubbed their job also. We need more coordination between registries on dangerous people, not knee-jerk reactions to each incident. This is not to say I couldn't get behind eliminating bump stocks and increasing the age to 21 to buy an AR-15. The problem is, would it end at that or would semi-automatic shotguns, rifles and pistols be next?
— Greg Svendsen

Thanks to those drivers who keep our lives going in heavy snow
This letter is a huge thank you to my paper carrier, mail carrier, FedEx and UPS carriers, trash collectors, bus drivers and anyone else who drives for a living. And also to the tireless 24/7 work of the city snowplow crews trying to clean up the gifts left by the snow gods in our four snowfalls in five days. You are all amazing, and I thank you all so much.
I hope you get to get some rest soon.
— Vicki Williams

Once again, kids are being asked to clean up after the adults
A few years ago, at the mouth of Bird Creek, there was a substantial problem of litter caused by fishermen who forgot that the natural world is where we all live. At a meeting with the Chugach State Park directors, it was suggested that we get the Girl Scouts and the Boys and Girls Club to come and clean it all up. That idea got me out of my seat like a rocket. Children being asked to clean up after adults? What the?
Now we have "the greatest country on earth" (they keep proclaiming) awash in guns, some of which are shocking to behold on any pleasant day on Earth. The poor teachers who have barely enough time and money to get our children up to the world standards of education are now going to need to go to boot camp to try and protect the little things while they study. Apparently priests and ministers are not protected by angels and they too will need to take up arms.
The children who are going through the hardest times of their lives (growing up) now have the all-pervasive stress of drills against the possibility of being murdered at their desks by someone whose thinking is askew and has not been intensively scrutinized and counseled by adults professional or otherwise. What the? This has become a glaring case of children cleaning up after adults. Thankfully they are JUMPING up to the plate. I can't help wondering how "the greatest generation" would have viewed and addressed this wretched situation.
— Joan Daniels
Bird Creek

Would Trump have rushed in to save kids? His history says no
Trump says that, even if unarmed, he would have rushed into the school to protect the students. Yes, about as fast as he rushed to serve in Vietnam when his country called.
Oh, I forgot, Trump got himself draft-deferred based on "bone spurs." And then he ridiculed John McCain — who volunteered to serve in Vietnam — for getting captured.
Would Trump have refused, as McCain did, the opportunity to be released ahead of the other captives because of his father's influence? Typical lying, coward, abusive Trump.
— Rick Wicks

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by the Anchorage Daily News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@adn.com, or click here to submit via any Web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@adn.com.