Letters to the Editor

Letter: Sen. Murkowski should oppose Kavanaugh

I last wrote to Sen. Lisa Murkowski in opposition to President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nomination before his reality-TV-style nomination of Judge Kavanaugh. Today, my opposition remains unchanged.

It is clear from the circumstances surrounding Judge Kavanaugh's vetting and selection that President Trump chose him out of self-interest. While the short list of nominees was superficially similar in terms of credentials and conservative ideology, Judge Kavanaugh is unique in that he has telegraphed his personal loyalty to Trump. Cases with legal implications for President Trump will inevitably come before the court, and he should have no further role in selecting

Justices until the investigation into his and his campaign's involvement in the confirmed Russian government hacking of our election has been completed.
Sen. Murkowski must not facilitate or allow President Trump to evade justice for his wrongdoing. The nation now turns its eyes to her for reassurance that, in the end, the rule of law will hold.
— Jeffrey Gordon

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