Letters to the Editor

Letter: Avoiding budget calamity

Regarding our proposed budget, which is creating a social calamity: In the early 1970s, we were smarter, more fiscally astute in some regards. We believed that taxes worked like a savings account. At that time, we paid state income tax, and every worker paid $10 per year toward public education in Alaska. We understood that it was good for our economy to have well-educated citizens. They are more likely to be financially independent and socially responsible.

Ten dollars in 1970 translates to $65 in 2019 — round up to $100 per worker toward public education. During the worst of times, elders and children are our greatest asset, our most significant investment.

I wholeheartedly agree with Marie Bair and Ken Landfield’s recent contributions on this page. Everyone who is employed in Alaska should pay state income tax. It’s their choice to live somewhere else; however, the resources are here and we all need to support our infrastructure: education, health, transportation and safety.

Thank you for the dedicated work you do on behalf of our statewide community.

— Deborah Poore


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