Letters to the Editor

Letter: How to improve Anchorage traffic

In these tumultuous times with the U.S. president, and now also volatile times with Gov. Mike Dunleavy, I believe we need to focus on the big picture: traffic patterns in Anchorage.

Fireweed Lane dead-ending into Rogers Park does not have the right of way over the inbound and outbound Seward Highway. Time the lights. Spenard Road crossing Minnesota Drive is not the main artery. Time the lights. Mountain View Drive turning into Airport Heights is not as important as the inbound and outbound Glenn Highway. Time the lights.

I understand these are “calming” intersections, but if you time the lights to the safe speed of these sections of road, people going too slow or too fast will have to stop at every intersection. Those moving at or near the speed limit will be able to smoothly get to their destination without the headache and stress of gridlock.

Also, if you are on Tudor Road, please try to drive the speed limit. It’s not that scary.

— Grant Hedman


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