Letters to the Editor

Letter: Souls are born at conception

Abortion is a volatile and emotional issue, particularly now, with the recent changes a few states have passed restricting the act. I’ve read impassioned letters from women who claim their intractable rights when it comes to their bodies. I agree, if their rights include not having unprotected sex, avoiding risky behavior and dressing in an inappropriate way.

Much has been said about the unborn and when an abortion is justified. Remarkably, that includes partial-birth abortion, which I consider barbaric and, frankly, murder. It has been stated that abortion is OK up until a heartbeat is detected at about six weeks. Looking at this objectively picking a point where the child has a right to survive, I find that the point of conception is the most significant.

The moment of conception is miraculous, where the egg and the sperm join and a life begins. No other point in the nine months of development is as significant. It is my personal belief that point is where God imparts a soul. Not when breaching the birth canal or the moment when a heartbeat is detected. I know I’ll hear about rape, incest and the like, but those circumstances are in the minority and few courageous women chose to protect the innocent child, carrying it to term. In the final analysis, it comes down to taking responsibility for your actions by not putting the burden on the helpless, innocent unborn.

— William Ahrens

Eagle River

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