Letters to the Editor

Letter: Just the beginning

The scenes of a Wasilla middle school gym filled with mostly empty portable tables, with bleachers full of PFD fans cheering on, as the place our governor selected to make some of the most important decisions ever facing Alaska, says more than words can say about the state of our state.

Early on in this debate about the state budget, the Mayor of Valdez wrote an editorial titled “Death by one cut,” in response to the governor’s proposal to cut property tax sharing with his community. Gov. Mike Dunleavy has upped the ante with over 110 cuts to a state budget proposal that represent the efforts of the majority of the state legislators to represent the best interests of all Alaskans. And please note, Alaskans, this is only Phase One of budget cuts by the Pied Piper of Permanent Fund dividends, as he has promised more to come in the future sessions.

Can you imagine three more years of this?

Is it not clear that Alaskans must find a leader more suited to the challenges that face us?

It’s time to thank our governor for creating the most involvement ever by Alaskans in what they view as the priorities of this state, then send him a furlough notice akin to that which many of them have already received as a result of his budget vetoes.

Let’s begin recall proceedings. Immediately.

Dick Shellhorn



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