Letters to the Editor

Letter: The end of our Bristol Bay salmon

That we now have a governor who would directly do harm to our salmon and salmon industry is beyond my comprehension as a 50-plus-year resident of this salmon-loving state. How did this happen?

On Dec. 13, when Gov. Mike Dunleavy met with President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C., he was quoted in the ADN saying, “The President understands that Alaska is America’s natural resource warehouse.” That should have been a clue.

In March, Gov. Dunleavy wrote President Trump. asking him to remove the 2014 Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act protection for Bristol Bay salmon so the Pebble Mine could be given the necessary state permits. In late June, when the governor met with President Trump when refueling in Anchorage, this was discussed in person. On July 30, the EPA was told to strike that measure protecting our salmon. The scientists, who had clearly determined that the Pebble mine would devastate the Bristol Bay fishery, were appalled, but there was nothing they could do.

We should have been paying closer attention. Step by step, politicians sacrificed our salmon. This is wrong.

— L.L Raymond


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