Letters to the Editor

Letter: Swim drama sickening

My girls wear off-the-rack Nike suits and that’s what letter writer Johnny Spence and everyone else has seen them in. The lies that have been told about their conduct during swim meets are pathetic and sad. I will take note that he, as a grown man, has put a lot of thought into my girls’ butts.

To say no other girls have this problem shows those who say so don’t know what they’re talking about. Per the rules, my girls did cover their butts. How much butt a child has is not for him or anyone to body-shame. This is why, when traveling to out-of-state meets, my girls have had no harassment. Spence and others speaking on this topic are an embarrassment to swim parents and their attack on these children is sickening.

My girls were not warned and the harassment is documented. The official did not follow the rules — just read them yourself. Just because she has been an official a long time doesn’t make her right.

How dare people presume the suits were being worn incorrectly when they weren’t even there? My girls want the same rules for all, that’s why we bought the team suit. They don’t need to be anyone’s victim, but all of us will stand up for what’s right. The school district and coach O’Brien should be applauded. In no way shape or form do I owe the official at fault anything.

— Meagan Kowatch


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