Letters to the Editor

Letter: Help save Earth

Help me save the planet Earth from climate change.

We all know — well, most of us know — about global warming on Earth, and it is causing a lot of problems. One way to help Earth is to bike or walk or run instead of using something that creates greenhouse gases. Most of us know that trees help filter greenhouse gases, but since we create so much greenhouse gases and trees are being cut down and burned down in forest fires, they can’t help Earth because we are going too fast for the trees to filter all of it.

Climate change is a big, big problem for polar bears and lots and lots of different animals. For instance, polar bears don’t chase seals in the water because seals are better swimmers than polar bears, so polar bears hunt seals on ice. But if there is no sea ice, the polar bears cannot get seals, so then the population goes out of balance.

So we can help climate change and global warming by not using too much electricity, getting food from local farmers, instead of having big ships that use a lot of fossil fuels and create greenhouse gases to bring food from other countries like Mexico. Did you know that your device that you plug in uses electricity even when your device is off? If you are not using your device, please just unplug it! Another way is to install solar panels.

In conclusion, I’m very concerned about climate change and I hope that people will help me save Earth because it’s the only planet we have.

— Rienzi Witmer


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