Letters to the Editor

Letter: Good news

On Dec. 5, the ADN printed a letter from Faye Sarren in which she declared that she does not listen to CNN, ABC or NBC news, and further declares that President Donald Trump hasn’t done anything wrong. I am sure she is wrong on the last point, but during the intervening five days, I discovered that I have something in common with Faye Sarren: I don’t listen to/watch CNN, ABC, or NBC news either, nor do I watch CBS or FOX.

What finally struck me as odd about the letter was that she was writing to a printed newspaper to complain about electronic sources of news. Why select the ADN for that purpose? Because we have an excellent local paper with high journalistic standards? Because she trusts the ADN? Because it includes many voices, including hers? I would like to think so. I start my day with the ADN for those reasons, and others.

It strikes me as ironic that she thinks the networks cast too long a shadow, yet she holds the best source of information in her hands and chooses to communicate through it. Now to read it, along with the many other excellent printed sources available to us.

— Clarence Crawford


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