Letters to the Editor

Letter: Alcohol tax questions

Paul Jenkins’ Sunday column, “Alcohol tax should be a flop again,” was his usual rant against liberal politicians and the role/intent of government. He seems to believe that liberals are either putting tax money in their own pockets or buying votes by providing services. He assumes no noble motive such as genuine concern for fellow man or condition of community. He applies the label “greedy” to politicians who want to tax citizens, rather than to citizens who want only for themselves and have no regard for the plight of their fellow man.

While the effectiveness of government solutions and programs are cause for legitimate debate, Mr. Jenkins fails to address two questions. First, does he believe that substance abuse and mental illness is a problem? If he sees no problem, what planet is he living on? If he does see a problem, should the community assume some responsibility for that problem? Or is the answer no, because he believes such problems are the result of choices made by individuals and they should assume full responsibility for its impact and for solving it?

Second, if he does see addiction and mental illness as indeed a problem that should be solved, what solution would he propose? If not a collective effort through government, then what?

— William Dann


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