Letters to the Editor

Letter: Troubling priorities

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Mike Dunleavy is creating an “economic stabilization working group,” according to an article by Morgan Krakow in the ADN. Dunleavy said that his intent for forming this group was to “make sure that any approach to our health in the state of Alaska doesn’t negatively impact our economy to a degree that could be long lasting.”

I do not understand why the governor of any state would not be most concerned about the welfare of its residents, and right now be totally focused on preventing as many cases as possible? The economic effects will certainly be huge, but why are economics more important to him than the welfare of the residents of his state? How can he even have time to work on those other aspects now? Time now should be spent on increasing testing, providing adequate care for those affected and helping us get through this crisis.

And if he has any leftover time, he could work on restoring the 25% cuts he has made in the state’s public health system, cuts which have left us far less able to deal with the present crisis. I am concerned that we are not prepared for what is rapidly coming upon us, even as I am sitting here writing this.

Sadly, our governor appears more worried about future economic prosperity in our state than taking care of our citizens right now. These are our families, our friends, our neighbors, our fellow Alaskans; I believe he should care more about us.

— L.L. Raymond


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