Letters to the Editor

Letter: Screen at airports

Fever screening is being widely and effectively used in Asia to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The hubby and I returned from a trip to Mexico last Wednesday and were shocked to find that mandatory fever screening was not being used to sequester sick travelers. We went through Mexican immigration, the Oaxaca airport, U.S. customs at Houston, the Houston airport, Denver airport and the Anchorage airport. We were not subjected to a single mandatory fever screening.

Many of the confirmed cases in Alaska were related to travel Outside. If this is the case, then it seems prudent to implement this safe, cost-effective measure immediately at both the Anchorage and Fairbanks airports and our border with Canada. Mandatory fever screening is already happening at the hospitals and major medical clinics in Anchorage. Why not the airports and border crossings?

— Maureen Pintner


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