Letters to the Editor

Letter: Shame on Democrats

All those in the Democratic Party ought to be ashamed of yourselves for propping up Joe Biden for president. He clearly is not mentally able to fulfill that position and you know it. He is only there to try to beat Trump.

He’s nominated not because of himself, but because it will be the vice president who the people behind the scenes are propping up that will occupy the “big chair” when, shortly after, if he is elected, they will dump Biden for his instability. Democrats lack honor and candor as inside, they are laughing behind Biden’s back as he is fighting dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. They will do anything except what’s right to fulfill their twisted agenda on the American people.

Even the worst president in U.S. history, Barack Obama, never had the backbone to support Biden until there was no other option. I find it hard to believe that Democrats can stoop any lower, but I’m afraid they will prove me wrong.

— Rolf L. Bilet


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