Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thank a liberal

I was appalled and saddened by the outbursts in the Loussac Assembly Chamber upon the resignation of Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. Yes, he was right to resign because of his inappropriate cyber behavior. Social media is not your friend, and it is a lesson people learn the hard way. However, it should not diminish his standing up against the oil industry corruption of the state Legislature, his level-headed actions in dealing with the no-win pandemic situation, and his numerous other accomplishments.

As a proud California liberal, Alaska conservatism makes me laugh. It is people whining at the top of their lungs — “Give us our government welfare and leave us alone, so we can pillage and trash every square inch of this state!” In my opinion, Alaska is the biggest welfare state in the nation, and it is the reason why the state is spiraling downward faster and faster. California liberals will always be the firewall against Alaska conservatism turning the state into a polluted garbage pit. Next time you see a wonderfully pristine view in Alaska, thank the California liberals, who saved it for you to enjoy.

— Thomas Harrison Morse


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