Letters to the Editor

Letter: A place to stay

The first snowfall has come to many communities here in Alaska, I wish I could say that the cheer of the holiday season came along with it. Sharing meals, games, and gifts with our loved ones is something that we look forward to. However, this year I hear my community members wondering if they will be able to stay in their homes. Our chief medical officer, Anne Zink, recently stated, “This fall and winter, I’m concerned, are going to be hard. It’s going to test the resilience of Alaska.” COVID-19 has caused so much hardship for communities. Why should anyone have to wonder if they have a place to weather this storm?

We cannot let families face this alone. We can support our fellow Americans. I urge Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young to rejoin the discussion and pass legislation that includes at least $100 billion in rental assistance. I call on members of our community to work together to ensure our pleas for help are not ignored. Renters and landlords need support, or they will continue to accumulate debts they cannot pay. What happens to people when they cannot pay and winter has come?

Catherine Schoessler


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