Letters to the Editor

Letter: Court packing

My goodness, what a brazen, bald-faced lie. Regarding the question of “court-packing,” Republican operative Mike Davis wrote in a recent commentary that “Joe Biden repeatedly refused to answer the question, but he recently stated that Americans don’t deserve to know his position on the issue.”

Not only has Biden publicly stated more than once that he is not in favor of adding Supreme Court justices, but recently pledged in national televised interviews to commission a bipartisan committee to recommend ways of reducing political influence on the court. Mr. Davis appeared inspired to emulate President Donald Trump’s fact-free rhetoric, even opining without a shred of evidence that “liberal justices” would “take away our constitutional rights to speak, associate, worship and protect our families.” His bio suggests that Mr. Davis has gone to law school, so he knows that statement is not only untrue but impossible.

Of course the whole issue, proposed by some in the political periphery, arose in response to the Republican Senate’s shameful about-face on election year Supreme Court appointments; had they either not invoked the election year prohibition in the first place, or stuck with their principle this time around, “court-packing” would not have even been on the radar.

Maybe it’s time for the ADN to follow the lead of major news organizations and decline to publish essays based on misinformation, or at the least tag them as what they they clearly are.

Terry Johnson


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