Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vaccine priority

Kudos to Clarence Crawford for his letter in Sunday’s paper, reminding us of less prominent but nonetheless essential workers, such as grocery store staff.

I would like to add teachers, assistant principals and principals to that list of essential workers

who aren’t generally recognized as such. They will soon be interacting with children and adolescents, other school staff and parents, on a daily basis. These dedicated professionals should be high on the vaccine priority list.

If I show up on an early vaccine list (due to my age), I will gladly donate my vaccine to my daughter-in-law, who is an assistant principal in an Anchorage middle school.

Please folks, let’s consider the overall good of our community rather than our own selfish desires. Eventually, we will all have the opportunity to be vaccinated; it just seems as if some should receive it much sooner than others.

Lydia H. Wirkus


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