Letters to the Editor

Letter: Will Sullivan change?

This morning I read the ADN’s Q&A with Sen. Dan Sullivan. It read like damage control for a Trump minion who has realized the ship is sinking.

Sen. Sullivan was unable or willing to give direct answers. His answers were interlaced with innuendos, smoke screens, and conspiracy theories. His lack of transparency and unwillingness to accept responsibility for the job he was elected to do is characteristic of his Senate career. I did chuckle at his rendition of the big Marine helping poor Sen. Lisa Murkowski to escape when the two of them were running for their lives.

Sen. Sullivan is right in describing the current fragile state of our democracy. Democracy is always under attack, but under Donald Trump, with the help of the Republican Senate, it turned into a full-blown war. The question for Sullivan is: Will he continue to fly the Republican Party of Trump banner, or is he capable of being a United States senator?

— Anne Ogden


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