Letters to the Editor

Letter: GOP censure

Regarding the Feb. 17 article titled, “Local GOP officials censure Murkowski amid broad discontent,” I can’t (actually, I can) believe the Alaska GOP is censuring Sen. Lisa Murkowski for supporting the bipartisan impeachment trial against President Donald Trump. The hypocrisy of this party is staggering, because the “former attorney of President Trump” team’s only argument during the impeachment trial was that the president has the freedom to speak his mind. But apparently Sen. Murkowski doesn’t hold that same right within her own party.

I’m really not that surprised, though, because Republicans seem to be the “do as I say, not as I do” political party. And of course they’ll blame Ballot Measure 2 for her continued success in Alaska, because like the national Republican party, the ex-president and conspiracy theorists alike, they can’t handle the truth.

— Yeilyadi Olson


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