Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski’s leadership

Despite the Republican party’s rhetoric, I stand with the growing chorus of voices in support of Sen. Lisa Murkowski. She is the only one of our elected leaders in Washington, D.C., who actually has the courage to think for herself and stand up for the truth, despite the pressure from her party’s leaders. She, and every elected representative who serves us in office, deserve their own voice, free of intimidation, threats and censure.

The days of party platforms are gone. Very few of us subscribe to the totality of either party’s platforms, and our elected leaders need to understand that. They represent all Alaskans in Washington, D.C., not just the ones who voted for them. In the next election, I for one will vote against every one of our politicians who has forgotten who they represent back home. And as long as the Republican Party demands absolute loyalty to a specific platform, and tries to force it upon those who represent us by threats and intimidation, they will never have my support.

— Meg Jensen

Copper Center

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