Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support the library

If you love your library, you can help support it by voting yes on Proposition 2 when you get your ballot in the mail.

Proposition 2 will support senior centers and libraries and includes a project to create a new Alaska Room at Loussac Library.

The new Alaska Room is long overdue and will be a great way for our community to learn about and celebrate Alaska’s history and culture. The new space will be easy to access and will showcase the people and cultures that made our city and state what they are today. It will also be a welcoming place where we can work together to shape our community’s future.

As taxpayers, we are only being asked to pay for a small portion of this project. The bond funds will cover one-third of the project; the rest will be paid for by federal and private matching funds and donations.

Ballots are being mailed this week and voting ends on April 6. When you get your ballot, remember to vote yes on Proposition 2 to show your support for the library.

— Mary H. Rasmussen


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