Letters to the Editor

Letter: Inaction on gun laws

Despite the horrific number of mass shootings in our country, Congress demonstrates an appalling lack of will to fix the problem. When will it be the right time to recognize the difference between owning a gun as part of a subsistence lifestyle and owning a gun to mow down children in a school or shoppers in a store? How is it possible that Congress has continued to treat these situations as though they are exactly the same?

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., recently linked gun violence with drunken driving. According to Kennedy, “We ought to try to combat that, too. But I think what many folks on my side of the aisle are saying is that the answer is not to get rid of all sober drivers.” That would be a debate-worthy statement if only someone had proposed getting rid of all guns. That has not happened. Just as we have laws to deal with the problem of irresponsible drivers, we can certainly have laws to deal with the problem of irresponsible gun owners.

The National Rifle Association promotes the false premise, accompanied by campaign contributions, that laws to promote responsible gun ownership would violate the Second Amendment. It would do nothing of the sort. Rather, this is a public health issue. If children and other innocent victims were dying at the same rate due to some medical cause you would likely be investing money into research and subsequent actions to solve the problem. Why not do the same with this public health crisis?

What will it take to inspire Congress to legislate meaningful reform? How many more Americans must be slaughtered before you recognize the problem and do something about it?

— Denise Greger


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