Letters to the Editor

Letter: Vaccinophobia

There are different ways of knowing reality. One, for example, is scientific observation. Another is religious belief.More than half a million people in this country alone have died from COVID-19. Even young people contract the virus and develop long haul syndrome. I know because I care for them. The vaccines have been developed at great expense, built on the basis of decades of scientific discovery. They are 95% effective and prevent death and disability. To my knowledge, no one has died from the vaccine. Side effects, if they occur at all, appear brief.

Nevertheless, there are those who are convinced taking the vaccine is a mistake. Obviously, this must be a decision made on the basis of faith rather than scientific observation. We respect religious beliefs in this country. This particular belief, however, is not only sad, it is tragic, as it will cause unnecessary death and disability in the future.

— John C. Finley, M.D.


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