Letters to the Editor

Letter: Young activists deserve support

Kudos to young Alaskan activists Linnea Lentfer and Brian Conwell for their recent commentary “Alaska’s government and future are on opposite sides in court,” and, more importantly, for their actions on behalf of their generation and future ones — and the planet Earth that sustains us all.  

As something of an old-timer who’s now spent well over half his life in Alaska, I absolutely agree that our state government is — and has been — following an irresponsible path as it pushes for further fossil fuel development despite the overwhelming evidence that this “strategy” is a reckless and devastatingly harmful one. The climate crisis is real and happening now, as shown by what Linnea and Brian aptly called the “apocalyptic conditions” occurring with greater regularity around the world.

As the primary cause of this crisis, we humans need to change our ways and if those in power won’t act for the greater good, then citizens of all ages need to do what they can to set things on a saner course. Here in Alaska, one thing we need to do is end our denial and our addiction to fossil fuel development. If lawsuits help in that regard, more power to those who bring them.  

— Bill Sherwonit


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Bill Sherwonit

Anchorage nature writer Bill Sherwonit is the author of more than a dozen books, including "Alaska's Bears" and "Animal Stories: Encounters with Alaska's Wildlife."