Letters to the Editor

Letter: Not the Alaska I know

My adult daughter was walking her two large dogs on Northern Lights Boulevard and Wendy’s Way at 6 a.m. Friday morning. The dogs were startled by a dog in a yard and ran. Unfortunately, they pulled her into a light pole. She lay bleeding and disoriented while multiple vehicles drove by, not stopping to help or even calling 911.

After finally being able to call her husband for help, she stood, bleeding so badly she couldn’t see, waiting for her husband to take her to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a concussion and received a dozen stitches in her face and head.

I have lived here for almost 60 years and never dreamed Anchorage would have the mentality of the Lower 48, not caring for their neighbors. Come on, people; it doesn’t take much to help neighbors.

— Diana Bauman


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