Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bronson’s choice to make

Mayor Dave Bronson’s approach to homelessness has been to hire an inexperienced homeless coordinator, put forth an untenable plan, attempt to bypass public process and comment, and to not show up at the negotiating table. He is now gaslighting the public and trying to spread blame because this has been planned as a political ploy all along. It is extremely disturbing that he would use and manipulate the homeless situation to set the stage for political gain in the 2022 municipal elections.  

Meanwhile, he has been giving interviews in which he vows revenge on the people of Anchorage through their representatives, who he claims must “pay a price.” The mayor’s office is a nonpartisan position for a reason. These political games hurt Anchorage residents.

As I see it, Dave Bronson has a very consequential choice to make, and soon. Does he want to continue to harm our city and its residents with partisan political games, or will he instead choose to be the mayor of all of Anchorage?

— Yarrow Silvers


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